Table of Contents | ||||||||||||||||||||
Case Manager provides increased efficiency to the auditing process through streamlined workflows that are fully customizable by the organization. The navigation element that allows users to quickly parse by assignments, audit types, auditors, and status creates high visibility for the audit manager. Another customizable feature is the audit process, which improves accuracy for the entire team through standardization. Better yet, Case Manager does not require user maintenance because it’s a SaaS product. As a result, Case Manager provides a secure, streamlined audit process that allows you to instantly see the performance of your audit program, its impacts, potential challenges, and individual and team performance.
Case Manager was purpose built to be flexible and adaptable to many types of business cases where work is assigned, tracked and managed. How you use Case Manager and the values of certain fields may be different depending on your organization’s set up.
Sign In
All Audit AwareTM user accounts are created by your organization’s administrator. Please contact your administrator if you need access.
Case Manager is accessed via Audit AwareTM single sign-on.
Single Sign-on
If you have forgotten your password, use the Forgot Password link to receive an email with a link to reset your password.
Audit Aware Dashboard
After logging in via Audit Aware single sign-on, the dashboard will display the applications to which you have access. For example, only administrators will have access to User Management. Selecting the application link will take you to that application’s home page.
If you have access to more than one organization, you can switch between them using the organization selector. Click the dropdown and select the organization in which you want to work. This will change your organization for all available applications. If you only have access to one organization, only that organization’s name will be displayed and there is no drop down option.
You can switch between light and dark modes using the toggle. There are three settings. Light, Dark and System which will follow whatever your computer’s setting for light or dark mode. Digital Canvas defaults to System and will follow your computers setting.
The Help icon will take you to the Audit Aware Knowledge Base. This contains the User Guide, recent product updates, and upcoming new features.
Use the Exit icon to log out of the system.
Case List: Home Page
The default view home page for Case Manager is the Case List. You can switch between cases and subjects using the links at the top. The left hand column is an icon of the case type. Clicking Cases in the Header will return you to this view. The system will remember your most recent view / filter(s) selected and take you back to where you left off. This includes any filters, columns, and density settings. At this time, it does not include remembering any sorting or column width changes you have made.
This screen has three section: Types, Subject, and Case. Types contains the Subject Type represented by an icon and the Case Type. Subject will list any columns related to the Subject and Case lists the case related columns. The columns are configurable. You can also add filters and change the row size (Density). See Home Page Customizations for instructions.
The '>' symbol on the right will take you to the Case Details.
Case List Quick Views
View Default
This list shows the case details.
Creating a Case in Digital Canvas
If your organization is using Digital Canvas, cases will primarily be created from there. For information on Case Creation in Digital Canvas, see the User Guide:
Creating a Case in Case Manager
To create a case in Case Manager, you must first have a subject. Navigate to the Subject List Screen. You can create a case for an existing subject by selecting the angle bracket on the right which will take you to the Subject Detail screen. If you need to add a new subject, use the plus sign on the bottom right.
Adding a New Subject
To add a new subject, select the plus sign on the bottom right of the Subject List Screen. This will open the Create Subject screen.
Subject Fields
most recently updated case for each subject regardless of status. There will only be one case listed per subject and columns are limited.
View Active
This list shows only active cases, e.g. no completed or cancelled ones, with limited columns. If a subject has more than one active case open, it will list all of them. For example, Bark and Brew in the screenshot.
View Businesses
This list shows only businesses and only their one most recently updated case. Columns are limited but additional business information: NAICS, Email, and Website are added.
View Residences
This list shows only residences and only their one most recently updated case. Columns are limited but additional residence information: Score and Parcel ID are added.
View All Cases All Columns
This list shows all cases for all subjects with all columns available. The view is very crowded, but useful if you want to export a list of all cases with all fields.
Favorite Filters
You can now save a custom view as a favorite filter using the icon to the left of the filters.
Select the view you would like to save. For example, this is all business appraisals assigned to the current user.
Click the add favorite icon to save it as favorite #1.
You can add more favorites by setting the filter you want, then selecting the icon again. The system will add favorites in the order you create them, e.g. 1, 2, 3, etc. For example, this is all residence appraisals assigned to the current user.
To remove a favorite, use the X icon to delete the most recent favorite. The system will delete favorites in reverse order, e.g. 3, 2, 1.
Case List Customizations
The Case List can be customized through the use of filters, column selections, and the density.
Case List Filter(s)
Using the Filters selection, you can filter the list using criteria for any column.
For example, you can filter the view by Assignee and Case Type of Audit. You can have multiple selections and the filter can do And / Or criteria. The system will remember your filter selections if you leave and come back to the list.
Case List Columns
Using the Columns selection, you can specify which columns you would like displayed on the list. Iin this example, the Parcel ID and Unique ID fields are removed.
Case List Density (Row Height)
Using the Density selection, you can change the row height between Compact, Standard, and Comfortable heights. This will not change the size of the text in the rows, only the number of rows you will see on the screen.
Case List User Favorite Views
Coming soon! You will be able to select your filter and column options, then save as a quick view option.
Case List Export
Using the Export function will allow you to export the current list to CSV or print the list.
Case Details
On the Case List, when you select the '>' symbol on the right it will take you to the case details. This screen is divided into multiple sections:
Subject Information
Case Information
Contact Information
Result Summary
Additional Case(s) List
Subject Information
Subject Fields
Universal Fields
These fields are available for all subjects.
Field Name | Description | Required? |
Subject Type | Categorization value of the subject. Default Values
| Y |
Parcel ID | This is the Real Property ID, a unique identifying number assigned to a parcel of land / address for identification and record-keeping. | N |
Unique ID | This is the Business Property / Taxpayer ID, a unique identifying number assigned to a business or individual for identification and record-keeping. This number remains the same if the business moves locations. | N |
Primary Name | The name by which the subject is primarily known. | Y |
Secondary Name | An alternate business name or secondary individual. | N |
Address | Street Address of the subject and case. | Y |
City | City | Y |
State | State | Y |
Zip | Zip Code | |
County Name | The county in which the subject is located. | N |
Jurisdiction Name | An alternate jurisdiction value if applicable. | N |
Primary or found email address for the subject. | N | |
Website | An organizations website. | N |
First Year Opened | The first year an organization was established. | N |
NAICS | An organization’s NAICS code. | N |
When you Save, you will get a subject created successfully message and will be directed to the Subject Details screen.
Cancel will close the dialogue.
Subject Detail
The Subject Detail screen shows all available values for a subject along with its associated case or cases. The subject may be edited using the Edit Subject button in the upper right. The Edit dialogue is the same as Create. You can add a case using the plus sign in the bottom right.
If a subject has multiple cases, either current cases of different types or historical cases, these will all be listed in the Cases section.
Adding a Case to a Subject
Selecting the plus sign in the bottom right of the Cases section will open the Create Case dialogue. Minimal information is required to create a case, only the Status and Case Type fields are needed.
Case Fields
Business Fields
These fields are additional fields available for businesses.
Field Name | Description | Required? |
First Year Opened | The first year an organization was established. | N |
NAICS | An organization’s NAICS code. | N |
Residence Fields
These fields are additional system fields for residences. These fields are populated when a case is Created from Digital Canvas.
Field Name | Description | Required? |
Exemption Percentage | Principal Residence Exemption | N |
Score | System assigned confidence level that the exemption is invalid. | N |
Last Sale On | Date of the most recent purchase of the residence. | N |
Case Information
Case Information | Required? | |
Case Type | Type of work to be done on case. Can be customized Default Values
| Y |
Status | Workflow status for the case. Can be customized. Default Values:
Case Type
Type of work to be done on case. Can be customized
Default Values
Essential Services Audit (ESA)
Y | ||
Assignee | Person assigned to the Case. | N |
Cycle | Frequency / Timing of the case. Can be customized. Default Values
N | ||
Scheduled On | Appointment date for the case. | N |
Confirmation Sent |
Date appointment confirmation sent. | N | |
Documents Received |
Date all requested documents for the case have been received. |
N |
Case |
Address |
Required? | ||
A case will default to the same address as the subject. However, a case may have different address information. Deselecting ‘Location Same as Subject’ will allow you to enter a case specific address. For example, one business may have cases at multiple locations. | ||
Parcel ID | Real Property ID | N |
Address | Address | N |
City | City | N |
State | State | N |
Zip | Zip |
Parcel ID
N |
Case Contacts
Primary / Secondary Contact Information | Required? | |
Name | Name | N |
Address | Address | N |
City | City | N |
State | State | N |
Zip | Zip |
N |
Phone Number |
Phone Number |
N |
N |
Result Summary
Result |
Required? | ||
Result | The final result of the case. Can be customized Default Values
| N |
Result Summary | Free form text (no limit) | N |
Results Letter Sent | Date results sent to case contact(s). | N |
Reveiwed By | Person who reviewed / approved the case. | N |
Result Letter Sent | Date the final result letter sent to contact(s) | N |
Review Completed |
Date of managerial / supervisory review. |
Reveiw Completed By
Person who completed the review.
N |
Fees | Required? | |
Fee Size | Size value which can be used to determine Fee Amount. | N |
Fee Amount |
Amount to be invoiced for the case. | N |
Fee Invoiced on | Date of invoice sent for the case. |
When you Save, you will get a case created successfully message and will be directed to the Case Details screen.
Cancel will close the dialogue.
Case Detail
Selecting the '>' on the right end of the case line will open the Case Detail Screen. Case Detail shows all available values for a case. The case may be edited using the Edit Case button in the upper right. The Edit dialogue is the same as Create. You can also add or view Notes and Attachments on this screen.
Edit a Case
Selecting Edit Case in the upper right will open the edit dialogue. The fields are the same as Create Case.
When you Save, you will get a case updated successfully message and returned to the Case Details screen.
Cancel will close the dialogue.
Add a Case Note
Selecting + Add Note will open the dialogue to add a note to the case.
When you Save, you will get a note created message and will be returned to the Case Details screen. The note created message is closed manually at this time.
Cancel will close the dialogue.
Adding a Case Attachment
There are two ways to add an attachment to a case. First, is to drag and drop the attachment into the Attachments area. Second is to select ‘+ Drag & Drop or Click to Select Files’. Drag and Drop will add the file using the file name. Click to select will open a dialogue to select the attachment you wish to add. Select the attachment, then Open to add it. Attachments can be any of the usual variety: Pictures (JPEG, PNG), Word, Excel, PDF, Text, etc. Cancel will close the dialogue.
Attachment List
Viewing a Case Attachment
An attachment can be viewed by selecting either the Download or Open in New Tab icon on the right end of the line. Ensure that you have pop ups enabled. Download will place a copy of the file on your computer. Open in New Tab will open the attachment in a new tab. Non-picture attachments will download regardless of the method selected. However, depending on your computer’s setting, your experience may differ.
Customizing the Case & Subject List Screens
You can change and customize the view on the Case and Subject list in a variety of ways. If you adjust the row height, columns, or apply a filter, your settings will be saved and it will display the same selections on your return. For example, you could filter for cases only assigned to you.
You may also adjust the column widths by hovering over the column header and using the side bar to widen or narrow the column. You may also sort the view in ascending or descending order using the arrow after hovering over the header. These changes are temporary and will reset anytime you refresh or leave the list.
Row Height
You can change the row height using the Density selection. The three options are Compact (Narrow), Standard (Normal) or Comfortable (Wide). Here is an example of the narrow arrangement.
You can change which columns you see on the screen using the Columns selection. Blue slider on the right means the column will be shown. White and slider to the left means the column will be hidden. Use the right hand scroll to view the rest of the columns.
You can filter your results using the Filters selection. This will open a dialogue for your selections. You can apply one or multiple filters which are additive. For example you may filter for cases assigned to you and in a Status of ‘To Do’. To add a new filter line use ‘+ Add Filter’. To remove it, select the ‘X' next to the line. A number will appear above the filters option showing if and how many filters are applied to the list. Note that you can only use the same operator for multiple filters. In other words the filter criteria must all be AND or OR for your selections. 'Remove All’ will reset all filter selections.
N |
Any notes entered for a case will appear here in descending order, i.e. most recent first. You can edit your own notes, but not notes entered by other users.
Any attachments, e.g. pictures, documents, etc., will be listed here. To open or download the attachment, select the icon to the right.
Additional Cases
If the subject has any other cases, e.g. historical or concurrent, these will be listed here. To switch to that case, select the '>' at the end of the row. Note that this only lists additional cases, not all, so it does not list the current case being viewed.
Creating a Case with a New Subject
To create a case, you must first have a subject. If the subject of the case is not already in the case list, you add it using the '+” in the bottom right of the list.
Add subject will open the Create Subject screen. Complete the information and save to add the subject.
Once saved, the Case Detail screen will open for the subject you just created. You can then add the case using the '+' icon in the lower right. Follow the instructions in Creating and Editing a Case to finish adding the new case.
Creating a Case with an Existing Subject
To add a case for a subject which already exists, select a previous case from the Case List. You can then add the new case using the '+' icon in the lower right.
Creating and Editing a Case
Case Information
Selecting the ‘+' icon on the Case Detail screen will open the Create Case screen. This screen includes Case information, Results and Fees. A case is always created in a 'New’ status. You only need to enter a Case Type in order to create a case.
Save the information to add the case.
Add and Edit Contacts
Select Edit in the Contacts section to open the Contacts screen to add or edit contacts for the case. There is room for a Primary and Secondary contact.
Case Access and Search for Contacts are placeholders for future functionality.
Save to complete your changes.
Add and Edit Notes
Select the '+ Note” in the Notes section to open the Notes screen to add a note to the case.
You can edit notes which you have entered by selecting the Edit icon next to your note.
Add Attachments
You can add an attachment using either the drag and drop or click to select method. All common file types are allowed, e.g. PDF, Word, Excel, JPEG, etc. Once added you can open or download the attachment using the icons added to it.
Deleting attachments will be available in the future.
Add and Edit Results, Fees
Select Edit in the Results section to open the Edit Case screen to add or edit results for the case. You may need to scroll down to the see these sections.